Title: The Death of Macho
Author: Reihan Salam
Date: 2009
Topic: The era of male dominance in the working and economic force is coming to an end, along with the effects of male unemployment and female employment.
Analysis of Argument
Exigence: Salam explains how the idea of macho is fading from today's society with high male unemployment. Salam believes there are two choices to be made, adaption or Resistance for the roles of males in today's new society.
Intended Audience: Anyone who may be involved in finance along with scholarly audiences, because of the reasoning and details in the text.
Purpose: To bring light onto how the ideals of males being the primary breadwinners in a family are changing, and Salam mentions the there will be a conflict for the position of power between males and females in the coming years.
Claims: "The era of male dominance is coming to an end... the world has been witnessing a quiet but monumental hit in power from men to women(629)."
Main Evidence: Author Reihan Salam claims that economic power and status is changing from men to woman, Salam uses many examples in his article. First of all Salam talks about the recession and its impact on men, "Unbelievably disproportionate impact that the current crisis is having on men...so much that the recession in now known to some economists as the "he-cession(630)." Salam is simply saying that men are reviving the main effects of job loss and economic hardship from the recession, Such as "80 percent of job losses in the United States since November have fallen on men(630)." Salam also predicts that "by the end of 2009, the global recession is expected to put as many as 28 million men out of work worldwide(630)." And things are to only get worse for men as the recession continues, but as man's status fail women's status gain power. The change in Traditional gender roles is another topic Salam brings up, "women were promised economic security in exchange for the state's entrenchment of male economic power(632)." meaning women are gaining more power in roles were men originally had power.
Rhetorical Analysis:
Writer's Strategy 1:(Ethos) The author uses facts and terms that help the reader understand the authors concerns and point of view, for example the male macho.
Writer's Strategy 2: (Logos)The author explains the role of men in society and then compares it to the role men have now after the recession and how women have changed from house wives to main breadwinners in today's families.
Writer's Strategy 3: (Pathos)The author uses vivid language, but connects to the reader very little on an emotional level.
Reader's Effect 1: The authors tone made the reader believe what the author was talking about and helped the reader see from the authors point of view his concerns. The authors resources and facts helped reinforce his ideas and credibility.
Reader's Effect 2: The authors us of Strong facts and clear information helped the reader understand the article, understand the authors logic behind his reasons and supporting evidence.
Reader's Effect 3: The author used very little Pathos to connect to the reader, but the article didn't need that connection to the reader. The facts along gave the reader a feel of confection.
My Response
This article talks about how the male macho is dying from today's standards of how the world works. I agree with the author Salam, i have noticed more women in power and i encourage the change. One thought i had while reading this was the author had no real opinions on what he was saying, he only gave facts and never encouraged the change or apposed the change. The author didn't use any emotional form of writing to show the reader his opinions.
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